Hiring a sales executive has always been a challenge for most organisations and it's a proven fact that one wrong hire can take the business into difficult situations, especially for the medium and growing organisations. Our Sales Aptitude assessment helps organisations to identify key traits required for a sales professional which not only help in recruitment but also help organisations for training need analysis and internal job promotions. This also measures candidates on competencies like Negotiation skills with scenarios closer to real life. The Sales Aptitude Assessment provides a detailed report with the ideal score required mapped with the actual scores to understand the reports well and help in making hiring decisions.
Training gap analysis:
Most times we would find borderline cases within the team or while making internal job promotions we find the team has right personality to sell, but needs to improve certain skills. Our assessments would help organisations to identify the areas of development and highlight if there is any lack in Sales Knowledge (from Opening to Closing).The Assessment is especially for entry level Sales Executives / Account Executives / Sales Engineers for various industries like Manufacturing, Financial Service, IT, ITES, Pharmaceutical, FMCG.
The assessment measures a person's sales knowledge, customer centricity, key motivators and identifies the role fit based on certain key personality traits required for sales professionals.
Duration: TBD
How it works
Note: You will be charged only at Step 3, i.e. only when a
candidate starts the assessment.
Sample Report